With the upcoming
OSGeo-Live 9.5 release, we will make OpenHub metrics very visible, adding a "Metrics" tab from the main OSGeo-Live page, which links to our existing OSGeo-Live OpenHub summaries.
Most OSGeo-Live projects have very compelling metrics, demonstrating an established and active development community. However, there are a few projects where OpenHub metrics are dated, incorrectly suggesting a lack of project activity. As such, I encourage all projects to review their OpenHub metrics before the next OSGeo-Live release, and update where appropriate.
Start by looking here:
About OSGeo-Live
OSGeo-live is a Lubuntu based distribution of Geospatial Open Source Software, available via a Live DVD, Virtual Machine and USB. You can use OSGeo-Live to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything.
Unfortunately there are some projects where the metrics are bogus and unfixable. One example is spatialite, which now uses a DVCS called fossil (as used by sqlite). OpenHub doesn't support fossil, so we can't fix the commit metrics.
For GMT, there are definitely later revisions: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/projects/gmt/repository/entry/trunk - that may or may not be fixable.
I'd suggest removing any OpenHub summaries in that situation - the disclaimer is not really a substitute for knowingly presenting incorrect data.
Thanks Brad for the suggestion.
For the problem you describe with OpenHub not reading the fossil version system, how about using fossil->git mirroring, then ask OpenHub to read the git mirror? It seems to be possible according to this blog post: http://blog.fraggod.net/2011/05/02/fossil-to-git-export-and-mirroring.html
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