From the Arramagong LiveDVD, you can try the best of GeoSpatial Open Source Software(OSS) without installing any applications on your computer. As a royalty free, reference release with fully tested and configured OSS stack, the LiveDVD is ideal for training, demonstration and public outreach.
The LiveDVD is based on XUbuntu 9.10 so it can be run on most computers simply by rebooting the computer with the DVD inserted. The Arramagong LiveDVD also comes with Windows and Macintosh installers for many of the GeoSpatial applications too.
Highlights from this 3.0 release include:
- 34 of the best GeoSpatial Open Source applications included.
- 14 new applications added since release 2.0, at FOSS4G 2009
- 13 applications updated
- Formalised testing introduced for all packages as part of the release process
- Plus lots of general improvements and fixes
- AtlasStyler SLD editor and Geopublisher :: 1.4 (new)
- deegree WMS, WFS, WCS and iGeoPortal :: 2.2
- GDAL :: 1.6.3
- GeoKettle :: 3.2.0-20090609
- Geomajas :: 1.4.2 (new)
- GeoNetwork :: 2.4.2
- GeoServer :: 2.0.1
- GMT: The Generic Mapping tools :: 4.4.0 (new)
- GpsDrive :: 2.10pre7
- GRASS GIS :: 6.4.0rc5
- gvSIG :: 1.9 stable
- Kosmo :: 2.0 RC1
- Mapfish :: 1.2 (new)
- Mapnik :: 0.6.1 (new)
- Mapserver :: 5.6.1
- MapTiler :: 1.0 beta2
- Marble :: 0.8.1
- MB System :: 5.1.2
- Octave Mapping Toolbox :: 3.0 / 1.0.7 (new)
- Open Jump :: 1.3
- Open Layers :: 2.8 (new)
- OpenCPN :: 1.3.6 (new)
- OpenStreetMap editors and tools :: JOSM svn1788, Gosmore svn20090624 (new)
- osgEarth :: 1.3 (new)
- Ossim/OssimPlanet :: 1.8.3 (new)
- pgRouting :: 1.04
- Postgres/PostGIS :: 8.4/1.4
- PROJ.4 :: 4.7.0 (new)
- QuantumGIS :: 1.4.0
- R geostatistics :: 2.10.1
- SpatiaLite :: 2.4.0 (new)
- uDig :: 1.2RC1
- Unofficial gvSIG Mobile for Linux :: 0.1.6 (new)
- Xubuntu :: 9.10
You can find more details about the project on our wiki at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
Us packagers are keen to help projects make use of the next release of the Live DVD at this year's OSGeo FOSS4G conference, http://2010.foss4g.org. Can you use the Live DVD in your presentations, tutorials or workshops? Talk to us about it.
Thank you, good information. Also This information is translated in "Geo-infomation" blog by Mongolian language. URL: http://mongeoinfo.blogspot.com/2010/04/arramagong-dvd-osgeo-livedvd-virtual.html
Cool. This one nicely complements our Marble in a Box Live DVD which comes with the latest Marble version and some additional data.
I'll add your OSGeo Live DVD to Marble's Website. Thanks for including Marble!
Hi rahn,
Great to hear that you have been packaging Marble.
I'm keen to see if you would be interested in collaborating in packaging.
We quite a comprehensive build process set up here:
I suspect that you would be able to re-create your Marble ISO, with a few hours tweaking scripts, and then a day or two running the build scripts.
Also, we don't know anyone with expertise in Marble that is able to help us package and test Marble works with each of our releases. I wonder whether you would be able to help with that? Here are our list of project contacts:
Hi Cameron,
Well, I haven't packaged Marble myself. I'm just the original author of Marble and one of the lead core developers.
The guy who actually "packaged" the Marble In A Box LiveCD is Cornelius Schumacher. He did it using OpenSUSE Studio which allows to create custom distributions / LiveCDs with very little effort. IIRC OpenSUSE Studio even allows to create custom CDs of other distributions. So you might want to contact him. :-)
Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for including Marble with the OSGeo Live DVD. :-)
Is it possible to get a link to the download (OSgeo Live DVD) (the one in the post does not seem to be working).
Also are you interested in more opensource projects for inclusion in the next version?
Yes, we do expect to be packaging more GeoSpatial Open Source Software in the next release of the LiveDVD, although we are reaching capacity on the DVD, and we are wishing to increase the quality of the DVD with every release, so we are needing to be selective with regards to what is included.
The LiveDVD download page is here, http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/ as per blog post.
The latest downloads are here: http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/3.0-Final/
The latest ISO is available from here: http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/3.0-Final/Arramagong-Livedvd-v3-Final.iso.html which will redirect you to http://tinyurl.com/osgeolive3-0rc6/Arramagong-Livedvd-v3-Final.iso
If that last URL doesn't work for you, get back to me.
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